Sample Recordings from S3NSE
Student and Teacher Favorites
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lessons are different than other types of exercise. Rather it is an exercise of the brain, tapping into the brains capacity to learn and change (neuroplasticity) providing movement explorations and experiences. Please read through this "How To" approach for optimal learning and safety.* Also for more information visit our FAQ page..
How to Approach the Lessons:
A very unique learning strategy is employed creating an environment where learning is easy. It is very important to practice self-care, and do much less than you can. That is where you will learn more.
1) Move slowly, gently and only in comfort: Insist on light easy movements. Never put up with pain. Modify or approximate the movement according to your comfort and capabilities.
2) Reduce muscular effort: Pushing or striving will impede the learning process. Look for a pleasant sensation. Resist the urge to achieve and let go of any judgements. Rest when you need to.
3) Move with attention: Bring your attention to the movements and when able let your attention roam lightly throughout yourself.
*Disclaimer: Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lessons are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. If you have any kind of medical condition, consult your medical practitioner about using these programs. The lessons are experiential and should be done slowly and easily. We cannot offer any warranty for their effectiveness. Responsibility for the lessons is necessarily the user's.
My Teacher The Floor
These lessons develop your sensory acuity. As you progress through the lesson your contact with the floor gives you information about your muscular holdings or habits. See how these can be released with just a bit of attention and help from the reflection of the floor.

Get Connected
This classic Feldenkrias lesson explores the relationship between the hips and shoulders in different directions. Feel how the circles allow you to feel and sense your habitual movements and find out what you might do differently for easy everyday functioning.

Long Free Neck
Our necks are designed to turn freely as we move through our daily activities. Often times we overuse our neck leaving out the flow and support of other parts of ourselves - and sometimes we add habitual movements that contradict a comfortable neck.